I thought that I would share some recipes with you. This recipe is very easy and very popular. All of my children (who are now adults) friends love it.
This recipe can feed 8-10 people
4 large boneless skinless chicken breast.
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
milk - 1 soup can
Swanson's Chicken Broth - 33% less sodium. (Since I am using salt on my chicken I prefer the low sodium broth)
Cheese - Cheddar - or I like Sargento 4 Mexican cheese.
Salt & Pepper - to taste (I don't measure my seasoning)
Dried or Fresh herbs. - Any will work - I like to use dill, parsley, basil & oregano
Egg Noodles
Potato Chips
I forgot to put the cheese, chips and noodles in the picture.
Preheat oven to 400degrees
1. Pound your chicken breast so they are thinner and cook faster. This step is optional but it will help the chicken to cook more quickly. An easy way to pound chicken is to put it in a zip lock bag with a little water. Pound the chicken in the bag.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet
3. Season one side of the breast with salt, pepper and herbs. I usually use dried herbs but you could you fresh. Place season side down in frying pan. Do not crowd the pan. Fry the chicken in batches if needed.
4. Season the other side.
5. Turn chicken over when browned and then brown the second side.
6. When breast are browned on both sides remove and cook the other breast in the same way.
7. Return all breast to the pan. Add chicken broth. You just need a little bit in the bottom of the pan. About 1/4 of an inch. Put a lid on the pan and cook on low until the chicken is cooked through. This takes about 5 minutes. I check to see if its done by making a cut in the thickest part of the largest chicken. It the chicken is white not pink I know its down.
8. When chicken is cooked through remove from pan
9. Add the 2 cans of cream of chicken soup to the broth. Stir in one can of milk. (If you can making a smaller or larger batch the ratio is 1/2 milk to soup - e.g. 1 can of soup you would use 1/2 can of milk).
10 Heat the sauce. Optional things I have added is a splash of wine and small amount of sour cream. It is good with or without these.
11 Cut chicken into bite size pieces.
12. While you are making the sauce boil egg noodles
13. Drain noodles and add to sauce. I usually add the sauce to the pan I cooked the noodles in since its larger and I can mix them more easily. Add chicken and stir. I love cheese so I usually add some now are well as on top.
14. Put the chicken & noodles in a casserole dish and add cheese on top.
15. Cook for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and browned.
16. Remove from over and add crushed potato chips. I usually crush the chips while my dish is cooking.
17. Return to over for 5 minutes to brown chips
I hope you enjoy this casserole.
* It is important than you saute your chicken breast and than you don't boil or buy chicken all ready cooked at the store. It is the seasoning that is in the pan when you add your sauce that gives it so much flavor.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Craftsy BOM & Alphabet Quilt
It has been over a month since I shared with you. I have been working on my Block of the Month from Craftsy. ( http://www.craftsy.com/class/The-Craftsy-Block-of-the-Month). I have my blocks all done, but I don't have them sewed together.
I have also just finished my Alphabet Baby Quilt. Other than my Quilt as You Go I have hand quilted all my other quilts. I usually just do outlining and stitch in the ditch. On this project I heavily quilted each block. This took my about 4 months. I worked on this while doing other projects.

It has been over a month since I shared with you. I have been working on my Block of the Month from Craftsy. ( http://www.craftsy.com/class/The-Craftsy-Block-of-the-Month). I have my blocks all done, but I don't have them sewed together.
I have also just finished my Alphabet Baby Quilt. Other than my Quilt as You Go I have hand quilted all my other quilts. I usually just do outlining and stitch in the ditch. On this project I heavily quilted each block. This took my about 4 months. I worked on this while doing other projects.

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sandy Quilt Block Drive
Hi Everyone.
I am presently working on making blocks for quilts for people who were affected by Hurricane Sandy.
The Quilting Gallery is organizing a quilt drive. You can either make blocks or put the blocks together.
The owner of the site has picked one style of block for everyone to make. It is a wonky scrappy log cabin. If you would like more information go to quiltinggallery.com
Here is a picture of one of the blocks I have made
The directions for making this block is on the link above, but I also thought I would show you here
Directions for making the Wonky Scrappy Log Cabin block
1. Stripes of fabric cut into 1 1/2 inches up to 2 1/2 inches. This was a great way to use up my strips. If you are cutting strips cut them at least 15 inches long
2. Sewing Machine
1 Cut two small squares the exact same size. Not less than 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches unfinished.
2. Sew the two squares together and press. The direction doesn't matter.
3. Choose a strip of fabric and sew it across the two squares. Trim after you sew it. Press toward the outer fabric. You will continue to press outward toward the new piece. Make sure the sides are straight before adding another strip
4. Chose a new strip. Sew it along the side that has two blocks. Trim and Press
5. Chose a strip. This time you will sew it along the side that has three blocks. Trim and press. You will continue adding strips to the side that has three fabrics on the edge.
6. Continue adding strips until your block is 10.5 to 11.5 inches
7. Measure the width of your square and cut two dark color strips 2 inches by that amount. The 2 inches is the cut size. Sew these two strips to the sides of your block.
8. Press the border strips out
9. Measure the block in the opposite direction with the sashing added. Cut two strips 2 inches wide. Sew on the sashing and press outward.
Your block is finished. Hopefully many of you will check out Quilting Gallery and get involved with this great idea.
I wanted to add there logo to my blog but couldn't figure out how to do it. If any of you can help me I would appreciate you sending me a comment or an email
I am presently working on making blocks for quilts for people who were affected by Hurricane Sandy.
The Quilting Gallery is organizing a quilt drive. You can either make blocks or put the blocks together.
The owner of the site has picked one style of block for everyone to make. It is a wonky scrappy log cabin. If you would like more information go to quiltinggallery.com
Here is a picture of one of the blocks I have made
The directions for making this block is on the link above, but I also thought I would show you here
Directions for making the Wonky Scrappy Log Cabin block
1. Stripes of fabric cut into 1 1/2 inches up to 2 1/2 inches. This was a great way to use up my strips. If you are cutting strips cut them at least 15 inches long
2. Sewing Machine
1 Cut two small squares the exact same size. Not less than 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches unfinished.
2. Sew the two squares together and press. The direction doesn't matter.
3. Choose a strip of fabric and sew it across the two squares. Trim after you sew it. Press toward the outer fabric. You will continue to press outward toward the new piece. Make sure the sides are straight before adding another strip
5. Chose a strip. This time you will sew it along the side that has three blocks. Trim and press. You will continue adding strips to the side that has three fabrics on the edge.
6. Continue adding strips until your block is 10.5 to 11.5 inches
8. Press the border strips out
9. Measure the block in the opposite direction with the sashing added. Cut two strips 2 inches wide. Sew on the sashing and press outward.
Your block is finished. Hopefully many of you will check out Quilting Gallery and get involved with this great idea.
I wanted to add there logo to my blog but couldn't figure out how to do it. If any of you can help me I would appreciate you sending me a comment or an email
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Quilt As You Go
Hi Everyone
I FINALLY!! finished my reversible Quilt As You Go baby quilt. I did the tutorials for the individual blocks in October. One is titled "Preview of Work" on October 5th and the other one is "Snowball Block" on October 8th. This method will work on any quilt blocks.
Preparing & Quilting Blocks
1. Trim your blocks that they are all the same size. My blocks are 9 1/2 inches unfinished.
2. Cut your batting the same size as your squares
3. If you are making a reversible quilt decide which blocks will be the back of the quilt and which will be the front. For my quilt the "Wacky Nine Patch" was the back and the "Snowball" the front.
4. Place one of Wacky Nine Patch (WNP) front side down. (If you are not doing these blocks if will be whatever you picked for your back.)
5. Place your batting square on top. I used quilt basting spray, so I sprayed my batting before I placed it on top of the block.
6. Place your Snowball block on top of batting. Make sure all three layers are smooth and baste. This can be done with thread basting, using quilt safety pins or a basting spray.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for all your blocks. Quilt each blocks.
Adding Sashing - Joining Blocks & Rows
8. If you plan on having your blocks in a pattern lay out your blocks before you start sewing them together.
9. Cut your sashing the joining your blocks in rows. The sashing for the front of your quilt is cut 1 inch by the length on your block. The sashing for the back is cut 1 3/4 inch by the length of the block. This piece is folded in half. It is easier if you cut all your sashing for joining your blocks in rows at the same time. You will cut your sashing to join your rows later.
10. Place the 1 inch sash on the left side of the front block. Place the folded sash on the back with the opening along the edge. (This is done in the same way you would sew binding.) Pin all three layers together
11. Sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
12. Press the front 1 inch seam away from the block Do not press the back seam.
13. Take your next block in the first row and sew it to the front 1 inch sashing.
14. Repeat steps 10 - 13 to the left side of all the blocks except for the last block in each row.
15. You have just finished doing the front of your rows. The back needs to be slipped stitched in place. I finished my rows before I did this step, but it can do this step any time before you put your rows together
16. After you have all your rows sewed together you are ready to join the rows. There is two ways to do this. One way is to measure the length of your row and cut your front & back sashing that length. The other way is to cut long strips from your fabric and pin it and then trim. Sew the sashing on.
17. Sew your rows together in the same way you sewed your block. You also need to slip stitch the back sashing.
Adding Border
18. Cut sashing for your inner border. The border will be cut the same width, 1 inch &1 3/4 inch which is folded. Measure and pin the top & bottom of your quilt. Sew with 1/4 inch seams. Press the front sashing out. This is the same as you have been doing. Slip stitch the back stitching.
19. Making the top & bottom border. Remeasure your quilt to get the measurements of the top & bottom. Cut your front and back border plus your sashing the length plus whatever width you want you border. Don't forget to add seam allowance. For example is your border is going to be 3 inches cut it at 3 1/2 inches
20. After you cut the batting & fabric for the top and the bottom you will quilt them the same way you did for your blocks. (See steps 4-6) I cut my batting a little bigger and trimmed it down. I don't think it is necessary to cut it bigger.
21. Pin and sew the border on the same way you sewed the blocks and rows together. At this point I made the sashing on both the front and back the same material which was yellow. Before I had white on the front and blue on the back.
22. For my side borders I wanted the yellow sashing to only go along my blocks and the remainder to match my borders. I measured the length of my quilt from the top and bottom yellow sashing and then cut the sashing strips that length. Don't forget you need to cut strips for both the front and back of the quilt the same width as you have been doing. Then I measured the width of the top and bottom border and cut four pieces, two for the front and two for the back.
23. Pin the borders on each side and sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
24. Sew down the sashing on the back.
25. Cut 2 strips for your binding the width of the quilt by 1 3/4 inches. Fold in half . Pin the open side to the edge of the front side on the quilt. Sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Press open , away from the quilt. Do the same with the two sides of the quilt
26. Fold the binding to the back of the quilt and slip stitch down.
You have finished your reversible Quilt As You Go quilt.
I FINALLY!! finished my reversible Quilt As You Go baby quilt. I did the tutorials for the individual blocks in October. One is titled "Preview of Work" on October 5th and the other one is "Snowball Block" on October 8th. This method will work on any quilt blocks.
Preparing & Quilting Blocks
1. Trim your blocks that they are all the same size. My blocks are 9 1/2 inches unfinished.
2. Cut your batting the same size as your squares
3. If you are making a reversible quilt decide which blocks will be the back of the quilt and which will be the front. For my quilt the "Wacky Nine Patch" was the back and the "Snowball" the front.
4. Place one of Wacky Nine Patch (WNP) front side down. (If you are not doing these blocks if will be whatever you picked for your back.)
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for all your blocks. Quilt each blocks.
Adding Sashing - Joining Blocks & Rows
8. If you plan on having your blocks in a pattern lay out your blocks before you start sewing them together.
9. Cut your sashing the joining your blocks in rows. The sashing for the front of your quilt is cut 1 inch by the length on your block. The sashing for the back is cut 1 3/4 inch by the length of the block. This piece is folded in half. It is easier if you cut all your sashing for joining your blocks in rows at the same time. You will cut your sashing to join your rows later.
10. Place the 1 inch sash on the left side of the front block. Place the folded sash on the back with the opening along the edge. (This is done in the same way you would sew binding.) Pin all three layers together
11. Sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
13. Take your next block in the first row and sew it to the front 1 inch sashing.
14. Repeat steps 10 - 13 to the left side of all the blocks except for the last block in each row.
15. You have just finished doing the front of your rows. The back needs to be slipped stitched in place. I finished my rows before I did this step, but it can do this step any time before you put your rows together
16. After you have all your rows sewed together you are ready to join the rows. There is two ways to do this. One way is to measure the length of your row and cut your front & back sashing that length. The other way is to cut long strips from your fabric and pin it and then trim. Sew the sashing on.
17. Sew your rows together in the same way you sewed your block. You also need to slip stitch the back sashing.
Adding Border
18. Cut sashing for your inner border. The border will be cut the same width, 1 inch &1 3/4 inch which is folded. Measure and pin the top & bottom of your quilt. Sew with 1/4 inch seams. Press the front sashing out. This is the same as you have been doing. Slip stitch the back stitching.
19. Making the top & bottom border. Remeasure your quilt to get the measurements of the top & bottom. Cut your front and back border plus your sashing the length plus whatever width you want you border. Don't forget to add seam allowance. For example is your border is going to be 3 inches cut it at 3 1/2 inches
20. After you cut the batting & fabric for the top and the bottom you will quilt them the same way you did for your blocks. (See steps 4-6) I cut my batting a little bigger and trimmed it down. I don't think it is necessary to cut it bigger.
22. For my side borders I wanted the yellow sashing to only go along my blocks and the remainder to match my borders. I measured the length of my quilt from the top and bottom yellow sashing and then cut the sashing strips that length. Don't forget you need to cut strips for both the front and back of the quilt the same width as you have been doing. Then I measured the width of the top and bottom border and cut four pieces, two for the front and two for the back.
23. Pin the borders on each side and sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
24. Sew down the sashing on the back.
25. Cut 2 strips for your binding the width of the quilt by 1 3/4 inches. Fold in half . Pin the open side to the edge of the front side on the quilt. Sew with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Press open , away from the quilt. Do the same with the two sides of the quilt
26. Fold the binding to the back of the quilt and slip stitch down.
You have finished your reversible Quilt As You Go quilt.
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